Category: Crime writers

MYSTERY GIRL by David Gordon

Mystery Girl by David Gordon (New Harvest, 2013)     Mystery Girl by David Gordon is a book that made me angry. Why? Because it had to end. Honestly, I couldn’t put it down. It’s…

AN EASY THING By Paco Ignacio Tabio (2002, Poisoned Pen Press)

An Easy Thing is the first book I’ve read by Mexican P.I. novelist Paco Tabio. Tabio’s investigator is Hector Belascororan Shayne, a former engineer and resident of Mexico’s capital city. He shares an office with a sewage expert, a plumber, and a chronically unemployed upholsterer.

OUTSOURCED by Dave Zeltserman

 OUTSOURCED by Dave Zeltserman (2010, Kindle Books) The cover for Outsourced by Dave Zeltserman (Kindle Books) is deceptive. At first glance It appears to be a comedic novel. Or one filled with black humor in the…


These short stories by Andrew Bliss are worth the afternoon it will take to read them. Dark and amusing, they are all set in present day London. Which ties it into a specific locale, but can make reading them difficult for the *ahem* Thames challenged. Also illustrated with some wicked photographs.